Why Vtubers Are Cool And Not Cringe!!!

By now you probably know what Vtubers are. They are YouTubers, usually streamers, with a moving avatar, most commonly an anime-themed one. Many people do not like them because those people are normies and they don't understand it.
The most common criticism of Vtubers I hear is "BuT tHeY ArE NoT rEaL!!!!111, as if the normietubers they watch, showing off their obviously rented mansion and luxury car are any more "real."
The issue here isn't who is "real" and who isn't, but rather what they do within the YouTube community and how it reflects on them as a person, because that speaks louder than any of those virtue signals that a lot of YouTubers are known to do.
As of right now, any drama between vtubers has been kept to a minimum. There have been incidents here and there, but nothing even approaching the levels that regular YouTubers get up to. Some of the things they get up to will make your hair stand, I promise you that. Here are some:
1. Russian YouTuber ReeFlay (real name: Stas Reshetnikov) locked his girlfriend (Valentina Grigoryeva) outside of his house in the cold winter snow at the behest of his live viewers, where she succumbed to hypothermia and died. He was known to verbally and physically abuse her on stream as well.
2. The "family"-focused YouTube channel DaddyOFive (ran by husband and wife Michael Martin and Heather Martin) made money from abusing their children in "acted" skits and pranks that turned out to not be so acted after all. They would humiliate and degrade their children on video for the whole world to see and thank God they were found guilty in a court of law and forced to stop.
Compared to shit like this, what have vtubers done to hurt anyone? That's right, pretty much nothing. Meanwhile, mainstream YouTubers have:
1)Culture of kill.
4)They are savages
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